Glean provides you with the resources to request and store W-9's, track 1099 status' and report on how much you've paid a vendor via Glean in a given year.
To Request W-9's
Navigate to the Vendors Page
Select [...] in the upper right hand corner
Click Send W-9 Request
A secure link will be sent to the vendor and once provided the W-9 will be stored on their Document page in Glean
To Select 1099 Status:
Navigate to the Vendors Page
Select the Settings tab
Click General and update the 1099 status
Note - updating in Glean will not reflect in the ledger and updating in the ledger will not reflect in Glean
Vendor Export
Navigate to Reports on the left hand nav
Select Vendors & W-9's
Select the year(s)
A detailed vendor breakdown noting the following will be provided
Vendor Name
Vendor Owner
GL Account
Last Invioce
Amuont Paid via Check
Amount Paid via ACH
Amount Paid via International
Grand Total PAid
1099 Required (if selected in Glean)
If W-9 is stored in Glean
Vendor contact information
Request a zip of all W-9's
Support will provide this via email within a few business days