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How to Create Invoices via CSV
How to Create Invoices via CSV
Written by Rob Call
Updated over a week ago

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Admins and Finance users can upload a .csv or .xlsx file within Glean to create invoices as long as the file is properly formatted. We recommend using .csv files as they tend to be easier to format.

Formatting Requirements

  • The file can not exceed 100 rows. 1 header row and 99 invoice rows.

  • Each column listed below must be included in the spreadsheet and no fields can be left blank. Example values are in italics.

    • Vendor Name (AWS)

    • Document Type (Invoice or Credit Memo)

    • Invoice Number (INV-0614A)

    • Invoice Date (06/01/2024)

    • Invoice Amount (1500)

    • Currency (USD)

    • Amount Due (1500)

Here's what the above example would look like in a spreadsheet.

Formatting Tips

  • While we support .xlsx files we highly recommend using the .csv file format instead.

  • For the Invoice Amount and Amount Due columns you don't need currency symbols (ex: "$"). Instead, use the currency abbreviation (ex: USD) in the Currency column.

  • The Vendor Name value for each invoice needs to be the vendor's display name you see in Glean. If you're getting the "Could not find company vendor with the name ..." error double check the display name in Glean. Note: Vendors can not be created via .csv upload.

  • Invoice Amount and Amount Due can not be left blank. If you want those amounts to be zero make the value "0" or "0.00".

  • If the Document Type is "Credit Memo" the Invoice Amount and Amount Due values will always show up in Glean as negative even if they're positive in the spreadsheet.

Uploading a Spreadsheet

Log in to you Glean account.

Click the Upload button in the upper right.

Click "Browse computer files" then select Normal or Historical.

Select the file to begin the upload. If the upload is successful, you'll see a green success message with a link to the Glean Inbox. This success message means Glean is processing the file. Invoices won't be created until the file is done processing. If the upload fails you'll get an error message. Learn more about upload failures.

In the Inbox under the Uploads tab you'll find details about each upload including who uploaded the file, when, the name of the file, and the status of the upload. Invoices will only be available once the status goes from Processing to Completed.

When Glean has finished processing the file you will receive an email describing how many invoices were created and how many lines, if any, were rejected. Learn more about rejections.

Once the invoices have been created you can view them by clicking the Invoices link in the Document column of the Uploads table. This will take you to the upload details page. On the details page clicking on an invoice will take you directly to that invoice.

Rejected Lines in a Spreadsheet

As Glean is processing the uploaded file, some lines in the spreadsheet may be rejected. This means an invoice was not created for that particular line. The most common reasons for a line to be rejected are as follows.

  • The vendor does not exist

  • The invoice is a duplicate of an existing invoice in your account

You can filter the Uploads table in Glean to find all uploads that have rejected lines.

Upload Failures

If the upload fails, you'll see the Upload Failed modal with an error message describing why so you can make corrections to the file and try again. Upload failures are usually due to issues with the header row or specific lines within the file. In this example, on line 2 of the file the Currency field was left blank.

Note: The error message reflects the first error found and won't list all errors within the spreadsheet.

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