Before you can make a payment through Glean there are a few steps to complete. Below are a some articles to ensure you are set up correctly:
Now that you've successfully set up banking and payment payment details, you can make a payment through Glean. To ensure invoices are paid on time follow the steps below:
Select Invoice from left navigation panel
Click Pay Invoice
Review and complete the following fields:
From: Select the bank account from which you want to pay
Pay To: Enter the vendor payment details (if found on the invoice Glean will pre-populate this for you)
Amount: Enter the amount you want to pay to the vendor
Arrival Date: Tell us when the vendor should receive the payment
Click Pay
You're all set! Here's what to expect:
The payment status will change to "Initiated" or "Scheduled" depending on the selected arrival date
To keep you in the loop, Glean will send you a daily payment email that lists out any payment status changes (so you'll know exactly when the money leaves your bank, and when it arrives at the vendor)
If you need to cancel a payment: See here